
  • 2005
  • Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro

Ana Holck is concerned with sticking to whatever is necessary, no more, no less. A pursuit of legitimate economy that leads her to use strips of vinyl adhesive tape, an industrial product transformed into artistic material which is a distinguishing feature of her work, contributing to the (apparently endless) current expansion of artistic media. Elevated intensifies this investigation, exploring the material’s attributes (color, dimension, luminescence, tenaciousness, adherence, smoothness and viscosity), proceeding to draw strips of contextual color and width which allude to elements of location. It configures quasi non-things designed as they design the space itself, testing the adhesive’s structural ability as it begins to experiment with the strips’ adhesion among themselves, no longer merely to the architectural supports, building a network of tensions (fragility/strength, attraction/repulsion, obstruction/liberation).     

[Roberto Conduru]

English version Steve Berg