
  • 2012
  • Zipper Galeria, Sao Paulo

The work Towers display a clear subversion of the urban ideal of protection: the elements that compose the work are omnipresent in Brazilian cities as parts of security fences used to protect private and public property. The dimensions and configuration are calculated to present an obstacle to the human body. They are the supports that hold the barbed wire, the topmost parts inclined 45° in toward the protected land; the module used in the Torres is steeped with meaning. Now, skillfully grouped into three elements, bundled by steel bands and angled outwards, they become, let us say, elegant, but without losing the memory of their origin: the apparent concrete and its raw presence. Thus, Ana Holck’s Torres bear within them a pop maneuver to produce a work with strong ties to the constructivist tradition. Without belittling the origin of its elements, the aesthetic movement transforms them into a poetic moment that undergoes a dual tension: the physical tension that keeps them standing and the tension of the subverted presence of the module that serves to protect properties. It is possible that the beauty lies in this encounter of the formal solution with the actual history of the module that it constitutes.

Around crossings and towers
[Paulo Sergio Duarte]