
  • 2009-2010
  • Rumos Visuais, Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo

Architecture has served as both lexicon and syntax in the work of the artist, whose pieces have already redefined spaces marked by history and other more complex subjects. In this video installation, what is built is more than the wall suggested by the title. It is an impasse, a kind of end of the line, a dead end, a radical enclosure. An invisible Sisyphus eternally resumes his punishment. Instead of a rock rolling downhill each time the task is fulfilled, the rhythm of the superimposing bricks absorbs the attention, dismantling itself next, so that the work is resumed. One notes that the space, in fact, is virtually never closed completely – when one wall rises, the other is incomplete. There is always the possibility of an as yet unknown way forward that surpasses the obstacles evolving vertically ahead.

[Paulo Sergio Duarte]