- 2010
- SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo
In this exhibition, I proposed to SESC a piece that could be seen while swimming. I swam my whole life, and when I started to understand myself as an artist, while I was still a teenager, I did lots of drawings of swimming pools. The theme fascinated me – specially trying to understand the grids and superimposed layers of glazed tiles, water and reflecting light. This research really struck me, and I believe to this day I try to bring these layers and grids into space. By moving on the water with their arm strokes, swimmers have different views of the piece. The alveolar polycarbonate sheets are connected to each other, generating a fluctuating web in space that seems to dance through the air, echoing the meander of the glazed tile grids and reflecting light pierced by the water lens.
[Ana Holck]
Lugar Algum, SESC Pinheiros, São Paulo, 2010